
Hello Everyone! My name is Trish Phelps. My family just moved to the area in June from Vermont. I teach both Cardio Kickboxing and Zumba. I have been teaching Kickboxing for 3 years and Zumba for a year and a half. I am a passionate, crazy positive ball of energy. When I am not at a ball field with my kids or teaching kickboxing, I can usually be found in the gym, in the kitchen mixing up new healthy eating ideas or in my closet staying clothes. I love the 3 F’s- Food, Fashion and Fitness! I teach classes because I truly love being a part of my student’s journeys. My hope is that I can bring my students the motivation, passion and accountability that I have gained from the fitness world. One of the best things about taking a class with me is that I do not ask for perfection because I, myself am imperfect and mess up all the time! Some of the best parts of class is when we go off script and add new moves to our routines based off someone’s misstep, usually mine.